
Chapter 1085 Just Two Kids Hanging Out

Even so, I found it rather weird that we have not been found since the \'hide and seek\' game that we should be playing was still underway.

Unless Master knew we were no longer interested in the game and thus had chosen to leave us alone?

Knowing Master, that could be very possible.

Thus, without anyone to stop us, the \'child\' had brought me to another garden, a park with various things that were called \'swings\' and \'slides\', a bridge that overlooked a river running through the city, another sweets store, and even a miniature castle floating on a cloud in the sky that had bouncy walls and floors.

She made me jump around with her in the last one and even tried to make me scream out like the other \'children\' that were also jumping around it.

I didn\'t really see a point of doing so and thus I kept myself from doing such an incomprehensible thing.

I do have to admit that bouncing around the place did give me a rather weird feeling of what I presume to be happiness, although I could not explain why such a feeling would appear.

It was then I realised something.

"The day isn\'t changing…"

The \'child\' turned back to look at me, "Oh! Do you want to go and explore Cuddle City too?"

I tilted my head at her, wondering just what could this \'cuddle city\' even be.

She thus started pulling me in another direction, bouncing our way out of this floating, bouncy castle in the sky.

"All of us don\'t need to sleep so Daddy thought it would be good if it would always be daytime here! But when we want it to be night time, we just go over to Cuddle City!"

"Why… \'Cuddle city\'?"

She giggled, "That\'s because that\'s the best place to cuddle with Daddy! Let me show you!"

We flew back down into the city until we reached a particular street that was empty of any buildings along the sides. The only thing present there was a set of stairs that led into the ground at the end of the road.

The \'child\' did not show any hesitation and started pulling me down the steps, allowing the both of us to be swallowed into the bowels of the earth.

Upon reaching a certain step, however, I felt the space change, signalling that we have entered another space within the World.

That was when the direction of the stairs had suddenly flipped, making us climb up instead of descending it like before.

Looking back, the stairs continued downwards into the darkness, as though we had been ascending it instead of descending it all this while.

When we finally emerged from the hole, the two of us were standing back on the streets of the city again, the only difference was the fact that the place was covered in the darkness of night.

"Tadah! It\'s cool right?!" She giggled, as though she had just done something extraordinary. "Quick! Over here!"

I was once again pulled along until we returned to one of the parks that we had been to on the other side before.

There, spread out on top of mats and cushions, were multiple split bodies of Master with various \'children\' sleeping while cuddling with Him.

I see the namesake of this place now.

"Aww… Looks like this place is full… They usually only come here after tag though… Let\'s try another place!"

She pulled me away from the park and brought me to a building across the street. In the \'City of Dreams\' version of this place, I remembered that this functioned as a \'store\' for clothes.

It\'s a \'store\' because it\'s not actually a business since there\'s no economy in this World and thus everything was free. The clothes in there would just be randomly created by Master whenever someone went inside.

For the Cuddle City version, it looked like the place was turned into some sort of napping quarters with all the beds, couches and cushions spread out around the place.

Every single one of them was currently occupied with a split body of Master cuddling one of His \'children\'.

The \'child\' made a face at the scene, "Ah… This place is full too… I guess I can show you my secret spot! Come with me!"

She pulled me along with her again and we went towards the alley where she had first used it as her hiding spot for the \'hide and seek\' game.

Instead of stopping there, she brought us deeper inside where a ladder was found built to the side of the building.

The \'child\' then started climbing it gingerly, beckoning to me as she went up a few steps to follow her.

Once again, this is just absolutely incomprehensible.

All of these \'children\' are beyond Divine so teleportation and flight are powers that should come to them as easy as breathing. In that case, why is she acting like she\'s but a mere powerless mortal?

The only time I saw her use any abilities was flying up to and down from the bouncy castle.

Omniscience had told me that it would not go well if I were to divert from the norm so I had no choice but to follow her lead and climb it like a mortal as well.

The ladder reached all the way to the roof and I realised there was a small alcove located there that was filled with pillows and cushions. Omniscience showed me that this was one of the spots she would use when she wanted to cuddle with Master.

It seemed like the \'children\' each had their own \'secret\' spots inside this city for their own use to spend their own private time with Master.

I watched as she cupped her hands together over her mouth to whisper, "Daddy… Daddy…"

A gust of wind blew past and a split body of Master appeared in front of her.

"Hmm… You want to cuddle, Litia?" The split body asked, already bending down to pick her up in His arms.

"Ehehe~ Yes, Daddy~"

​ The split body of Master carried her over to the alcove and laid Himself down on the cushions with the \'child\' in His arms.

While she was settling into His embrace, she turned towards me, "You can just call your Daddy here too! There\'s enough space for both of us!"

I realised this would be the perfect time for me to slip away. I could just pretend to go along with her and as soon as she falls asleep, I would be on my way once more.

Following Omniscience\'s guidance, I also cupped my hands over my mouth and called out to Master, "Master… Master…"

"Ah, there you are. Are you ready for some cuddling?" The split body of Master that appeared in front of me asked.

I let myself be carried into His arms before He brought me to the alcove, the bliss of being enveloped in Master\'s warmth washing over me.

Mnnn… This feels… Nice.

Now I just need to wait for this \'child\' to fall asleep…

"Hey, hey~ So which part of the city do you like the most? I really like the sweets shop because Daddy alway gives me the best cookies! But then there is also the bouncy castle we went to before so it\'s hard to choose. Do you want to go and play there again later? I think we should…"

Ara… She isn\'t planning to sleep at all, is she?

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