
Chapter 966: Even Gods Shall Fall

Chapter 966: Even Gods Shall Fall

(Manami POV)

Though we may have ascended, it does not immediately give us an advantage over this bitch in front of us.

After all, we are newly ascended Goddesses while this bitch has been one for a substantially longer time.

She sneered at me, "To think such trash like you could actually ascend… The standards of Godhood must have dropped while we weren\'t around."

"Ara, ara? I\'d think the standards actually got higher considering a rabid mutt like yourself managed to become one," I shot back with a smile.

"Ha! Don\'t think that you stand a chance now that you\'ve ascended! Nothing changes especially when you\'re not even in control of your domain yet!"

My dear little sister appeared beside me, "We are not strong enough to kill you, that may be fact. But you forget that we do not need to be the ones that kill you."

As though on cue, a figure with iridescent hair blurred past her before she could react, her hand slashing out and catching her by the leg, tearing off the limb in the process.

Both my sister and I wasted no time in capitalising on her temporarily distracted state, using our newfound strength to suppress her while Cai Hong spun around in preparation for another attack.

I pressed down on her using the gravity of a star, making sure to localise the effect so that she was the only thing that was affected in the vicinity.

My dear little sister added on to the effect by suspending the bitch\'s movements with her will, slowing her down with her new ability.

That gave Cai Hong enough time to move back and rip off her left arm, the bitch having needed to sacrifice that to prevent our loli dragon from tearing her head off.

The bitch cursed at her, trying to regenerate her limbs even as Cai Hong swooped back towards her.

Fire flared around the trash in an attempt to stop the dragon from reaching her but the fire wall was immediately put out when I exerted my own will on it. She didn\'t have time to try again when Cai Hong appeared in front of the wolf bitch with her fist cocked back and a sneer on her face.

The rabid trash crossed her barely healed arms in front of her chest right as the dragon punched her, the impact causing an explosion big enough to shake the mountains themselves.

I watched with unrestrained satisfaction as the rabid wolf was sent crashing back down to earth, splitting an entire mountain in two.

As expected of the strongest dragon loli, causing such levels of destruction with just a simple punch.

At this point, we were relegated to the role of being her support as she descended upon the prone bitch, both my sister and I using our Godly powers to restrain her. Even from here, I could tell how pathetic she looked while lying in that crater with that completely broken body.

Despite her attempt at defending herself, that blow had utterly blown clean through her arms and her torso, leaving a hole big enough to fit a head in it. It\'s such a shame that she was still alive.

I expected Cai Hong to say something to her but the dragon merely reached down and grabbed her by her head while planting her foot on the bitch\'s throat.

Without so much as a word, Cai Hong had torn off the rabid dog\'s head like she was plucking a turnip from a field.

With a clench of her hand, the head exploded into a fountain of gore, leaving a small, blue orb in her fist.

"An Origin fragment…" I heard my little Kiyomi whisper.

So that\'s the part of Master that these bitches took from Him. We must return it when we get the chance.

Cai Hong gave a roar of victory before moving on to the sword bitch next, prompting us to follow her to give our support as well.

She didn\'t even stand a chance as the moment my sister and I started to suppress her movements, Cai Hong had taken out both her sword arms and also her head the instant we pushed the trash down. The dragon then proceeded to literally rip the fragment out from the trash\'s chest.

Unceremoniously tossing the body aside, Cai Hong went straight for the last waste of space, the vampire bitch already tied down by Lian Li fighting her alone.

With Lian Li, Kiyomi and myself assisting Cai Hong, there was no way this stupid bitch stood a chance. It wasn\'t long before the dragon had torn her limbs off one by one, leaving her rolling on the ground with just her head and torso remaining.

"You… You fucking bitch…" The vampire spat, being the only one that Cai Hong seemed to be willing to let have some last words with.

"You hurt Father, betrayed Him when He had put His trust in you. You\'re not even worthy of existing," Cai Hong growled, stomping her foot on top of her chest.

Blood congealed around the vampire to form a spear but Lian Li was quick to destroy the construct with her lightning before it could fully form.

"Don\'t talk big with me, dragon," She sneered, spitting out the last word like it was poison. "Even now you\'re also tempted to take those fragments for yourself! To feel him inside you! You\'re nothing but a hypocrite!"

"My love for Father is not like yours, trash. I would ask you to repent but you\'re already too far gone for that."

The vampire tried to say something more but Cai Hong had already lifted up her foot to stomp back down on her head, crushing it into paste.

She then knelt down and reached her hand into the hole that was the trash\'s neck, wriggling her hand inside the body for a while before finally pulling out the final fragment.

"Are they… Dead?" Brendan asked, looking down at the bodies.

Cai Hong shook her head, "No, they will reform after a while. Even without Father\'s Origin fragments, they are still bonafide goddesses. Such physical wounds would not be enough to kill them."

Tsuki frowned and kicked the torso on the ground, "Then what are we supposed to do with them? Just let them go?"

A sinister smile spread across the older Cai Hong\'s lips, a smile that would definitely give Master a heart attack if He saw it on her loli form.

"I thought sisters would very much like to put them through the reeducation chambers to let them know their place? We just so happen to have a stupid demoness who can help us deal with their divinity too…"

I couldn\'t help but let out a chuckle, "Ara, ara? It seems like our little Cai Hong has grown quite a bit, hasn\'t she? Ufufufu~"

Instead of answering me, she reverted herself back to her smaller form while hugging the fragments to her chest.

"Cai Hong tired now… Cai Hong going back to sleep… Then give Papa back \'fwagwents\'..."

And then she simply just curled up on the floor and went straight to sleep with the fragments still in her arms.

Ufufufu~ Don\'t worry little Cai Hong, we\'ll take care of those pieces of trash from here~

We will make sure each of them suffer through all the hell we can think of just for hurting our Master~

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