
Chapter 787 - The People Here Are Really Terrible, Arent They?

She definitely wouldn\'t leave the vulnerable Iris on her own especially when Iris asked to join her. I\'m? sure she would definitely take good care of her like the big sister she was.

I\'m guessing my fox disciple would be going shopping with Kiyomi. In that case, the two sisters would be able to help her feel more at ease and get her used to her mortal body better.

Meanwhile, I have an auction to attend…

The original plan was for us to go there together with our host, but apparently there was some trouble at the auction house so Hao Chi had to leave earlier to deal with it, leaving us to join up with him later.

He already gave Delta the directions to the auction house so we would be able to get there without a guide.

After making sure my disciples were fine on their own, I went outside to the carriage to meet up with the girls who were accompanying me there.

What I did not expect, however, was that all the girls had changed into formal clothing. Even the youkai girls had changed into armour that looked quite ceremonial compared to the ones they were wearing before.

"Umm… Should I change?" I asked, suddenly feeling underdressed.

"Eh? Why, Master?" Eris asked, genuinely confused.

I took a look at my swordswoman who was wearing a blue dress that I\'ve never seen her wear before, although it looked a little weird since her sword was still strapped to her waist.

Ok, the dress was still informal enough to not seem gaudy, but it\'s definitely more formal than what someone would wear to take a stroll in the city.

The same goes for Diao Chan and Tsuki as well.

I gestured to myself, "Do I not look underdressed?"

"Eh? Of course not, Aniue! Aniue always looks so cool!" Tsuki assured me.

Somehow hearing that from her doesn\'t exactly put me at ease for some reason.

But seeing the other girls nod along, I decided to just go with it.

Oh well, at least worse comes to worse, I can always just use Origin to change my clothes if I really have to.

The auction house wasn\'t really that far so after a short ride in the carriage, we were already there. The only problem was that the main road was not connected to it so visitors had to alight and make the rest of the way on foot for \'security reasons\', or so they say.

Alpha told me that they would wait near the road for us since youkai were seen as slaves and thus not allowed into the auction house.

I was quite surprised they already knew about this but she explained that they had gone and asked the other servants last night. They\'re really hard working eh?

That left Tsuki, Diao Chan and Eris to accompany me to the auction which they seemed really eager to do for some reason.

We followed the path down towards the auction house\'s main entrance, the building looking more like a really expensive hotel which I suspect might be what its other function was.

Although it wasn\'t as grand as the one in Jianye city, it was still quite an impressive sized building that showed off the wealth of its proprietor.

I redirected my gaze downwards to the entrance, noticing the large group of guards watching it and screening everyone that was entering the premises. It seems like the entry requirements are quite strict for this place.

Hmm… Just from seeing those guards, I already have an idea of how things are going to pan out.

I tried to move past them but predictably, one of the bigger sized guards stepped out to bar my way.

"Hold it there, this is not a place that anyone can just walk in as they please. Do you even know what this place is?"

I tried my best not to roll my eyes at him, "Yes, I was invited here by Hao Chi who I believe is already here. You can go ask him if you must."

"That\'s Governor Hao to you, peasant! Do you even know what this place is? Why would Governor Hao invite such a poor looking boy like you?"

"I\'m telling the truth, I am his guest. Just go check with him if you do not wish to risk offending a guest of his."

Another guard laughed out loud, "Hahaha! A guest of Governor Hao\'s? I\'m an idiot if I really believed you!"

Diao Chan stepped up beside me, "Are you calling my Master a liar? Kneel down and beg for His forgiveness right now!"

The first guard turned to look at Diao Chan up and down, "Who do you think you are huh? Some whore he hired? Whatever he\'s paying you, I\'ll double it so how about you ditch him and come here instead?"

Alright, this guy\'s going to have his lights punched ou--

"Stop! Stop right now!" Hao Chi\'s voice came from inside, the man running towards us as fast as he could.

"Go… Governor Hao!" The guard gasped, stepping to the side to bow his head. "Forgive us! This is just a nobody who is causing trouble at the door, we\'ll get rid of him right now!"

Hao Chi glared at him, "You bastards! I told you all I have an important guest coming today didn\'t I?! Are all of you deaf?!"

"Umm… You did, Governor Hao… But this guy looks so poor… There\'s no way he can be Governor Hao\'s guest, right?"

"How dare you?! This is Master Lin! If he decided to beat you to death you\'ll have to sit there and take it!"

Erm… That\'s a little too extreme don\'t you think?

Hao Chi quickly bowed to me, "Master Lin, please forgive me! The incompetent staff made an error in preparing your seating last night so I had to rectify it this morning. Please accept my apologies!"

I was about to tell him it was fine when Tsuki went forward and gave the man a slap to the face, shocking everyone.

"Incompetent… You dare let my Aniue suffer such humiliations?" She growled.

Err… Tsuki… I don\'t think this was serious enough to warrant that…

Surprisingly, Hao Chi did not say anything but bowed his head lower, "My sincerest apologies!"

"Let it go, Tsuki. It\'s fine," I called out before she could slap him again. "Be careful next time, Hao Chi."

My little sister nodded and returned to my side.

"Thank you for your benevolence, Master Lin! I will make sure this doesn\'t happen again!"

"Now, I hope I\'m not too late to join the auction?"

"Not at all, this way please!"

I stepped past the stunned guards to follow Hao Chi.

When I was passing by the first guard who stopped me however, he lowered his head and whispered, "You\'re lucky Governor Hao is here to protect you… But I\'ll get you next time."

I was going to say something but Eris must have heard what he said since her fist had slammed into his gut at the very next moment.

"Next time? There won\'t be a next time for ya, ya trash. How \'bout I cut off those limbs of yours right now?"

She then turned towards Hao Chi, "Is this really the kind of staff this place hires? Is my Master so beneath you that people like this can freely threaten Master with no consequence?"

Hao Chi paled and turned to the other guards, "Drag this bastard away and cut off his hands!"

The guards moved to obey, dragging away the pleading guard to his fate.

I didn\'t interfere since this was really something brought on himself.

Can we just go in now and not get into more trouble?

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