
Chapter 741 - Iris Did Not Like That

"So… What happens to me now?" The other me asked, looking pointedly at me.

I picked up my own tea cup to take a sip, "I suppose I should first ask if I were to end your existence, would you be willing?"

He smiled at me, "Who would be willing to have their existence ended like that?"

"I suppose not. I guess you are me, after all, and I wouldn\'t agree to that either."

His smile turned a little mischievous, "Although… I may be persuaded to do so, actually."

I set down my cup, "Oh? How?"

He reached forward and clasped my hand, "If you show me the best night of my short-lived life, I may just accept that being the end of my life."


That guy just had to flip my own sexual orientation huh. Then again, of course he did since that should have been his priority.

Now for the really age old question… If you made love with a copy of yourself, is that sex or is it masturbation?

"Buuuu!! Don\'t touch Papa, fake papa!" Cai Hong squealed, pulling my hand away from his grasp.

The gayer version of me sighed, "That still hurts Cai Hong, even if it\'s true."

Cai Hong merely stuck her tongue out at him before going back to hugging me.

"You seem to be taking your situation rather well," I pointed out.

"If you were me, would you be raising a big fuss about it?"

"I would, actually."

"Hmm… Ah, I guess this was something he flipped as well, to let me accept my position of being a mirrored persona more easily. Makes sense since it wouldn\'t benefit him if I were to find out I\'m not the real one and make a big deal about it later."

"Mmm… Yep, that definitely makes sense," I nodded.

The two of us reached for our cups and sipped at our tea at the same time.

He placed his cup on the table before smiling at me again, "So what do you say? Should we head to the bedroom now?"

I don\'t know about you, but seeing myself invite me to go have a romp in the bed is actually quite disconcerting. Is there even someone who would like a situation like this?

I grimaced, "You know… I don\'t swing that way I\'m afraid."

"Oh? But you didn\'t hate it when Brendan was kissing you?"

I got nothing to say to that.

He snapped his fingers, "Well, no matter, I can still do this."

His form shifted and his body transformed into my female form.

Now that I looked at it, my female body does look like Iris minus the horns on her head and with my hair being black instead of white.

"How is it? Interested now?" He… Err… She… Hmm… The other me smirked.

I didn\'t even get a chance to respond when an unexpected person actually objected quite fervently.

"NEVER! YOU WON\'T TOUCH MASTER IN THAT BODY!!" Iris screeched, the entire space crackling with the pressure of her rage.

Both the other me and myself turned to look at Iris in surprise, we both know how impossibly difficult it was to get her to be outraged at anything.

I mean the last time that happened was my disciples ruining her who knows how long plan to get me to reset back to my old self. Which admittedly isn\'t really that long ago I suppose but that\'s beside the point.

I sensed her will being directed to the entire World and I knew she was going to do something really drastic so I resorted to my ultimate weapon to stop her.

I bonked her with my bonk hammer.

"Ouch! Eh? What was that for, Master?" Iris cried, squatting down on the floor while holding her head in pain.

"Don\'t you \'what\' me. You were just about to End the World again weren\'t you? Do you really not learn?"

She tilted her head at me, "Ara? What\'s wrong with that?"

This girl… I really need to spend some time teaching her common sense, don\'t I?

What do I have to do to let her know that going around destroying Worlds for such reasons is not a good thing?

I sighed, "So let me guess. You don\'t want me to be intimate with someone else that looks like you?"

"Ara? Is Master asking if I would be jealous?"

"Are you?"

"Ufufufu~ Yes, I am, Master. I definitely don\'t want some mirrored persona of Master who is basically another version of me to be intimate with you, much less this one."

I raised an eyebrow, "And you\'re ok with everyone else because?"

"Ara, ara? That\'s simple, Master. Because they aren\'t me."

I give up on understanding this woman.

The other me transformed back into my figure with a wry smile, "I suppose that option is not a possibility anymore huh. So what\'s the plan, other me?"

"Well… There\'s always the possibility of you simply disappearing after Shuai Ge gets killed so there\'s still that."

"Oh… Ahem… You\'re not even considering the possibility of keeping me around huh?"

"No offence, but as you saw from Iris\'s reaction, keeping another me around isn\'t the best of ideas."

"Hmm… I have to agree with that I suppose. Well, then I guess you know what that means, right?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "What? We will have to fight to determine if you should exist?"

He shook his head, "What\'s the point in that? Even if I win, it\'s already clear to me that everyone here would reject me. Not that I stood a chance of winning in the first place anyway, am I right?"

Well… Because of the fact that he\'s abilities were also flipped, he doesn\'t have control over Origin so even if we fought, I would have won anyway.

I\'m curious why Iris didn\'t really react much to his existence aside from his attempt at bedding me. Isn\'t having two Ends a problem? Or is it fine to have multiple Ends? Hmm… Yeah I guess there\'s actually no problem with multiple Ends since there can be multiple ways of something Ending.

I crossed my arms, "So… If not that, then what were you thinking about?"

He smirked before raising his hand into the air, "When something like this happens, you run away of course!"

He snapped his fingers and he teleported away before anyone could react.

Right… How did I not see that coming? Of course that\'ll be something I would do.

I altered the Origin of him escaping and pulled him back to where he was, removing all Origins of him trying to End my attempts in doing so.

Hmm? That\'s odd, he didn\'t even try to stop me. Did he forget or was he not expecting me to do this?

He appeared back at where he was and rolled his eyes at me, "Come on, this should have been the part where I escape and then maybe appear as some side character from time to time isn\'t it? I can be like the random guy that shows up as a deus ex machina or something."

I pointed my thumb to Iris, "I already have one over here, I don\'t actually need another one."

"Ugh… Then I can be like the funny uncle or something?"

"How about this? Let\'s just see what happens to that Shuai Ge boy first, then we\'ll have everyone else decide your fate?"

He shrugged, "Better than me being killed right now I suppose. So… How about we have some coffee?"

Hmm? Did he just… Oh. Ok, I see. Heh, that\'s actually quite smart, I\'ll give him that.

I made my way back to the pavilion and sat down in my seat.

This guy\'s actually quite smart, I\'m rather impressed with what he\'s done with this world. The question is whether my disciples are able to figure out where exactly Shuai Ge is hiding inside this world.

Meh, I have full faith in them so they should be returning soon.

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