
Chapter 598 - Let’s Do The Twist

It\'s the safest position for me after all, and I get to watch Master have fun so double win for me.

Master and senior sisters had drawn lots to determine the order of play with senior sister Kiyomi going first.

Sister Elaria already explained the rules to me so I should be able to act as the referee as well. Although Master was looking at her incredulously so I\'m pretty sure some of the rules were a bit skewed.

After everyone had picked a spot on the playing mat to start, I spun the needles for the spinners and everyone got ready to start the game.

"Umm… For the first round… \'Left foot, green\'."

Senior sister Kiyomi did as instructed without hesitation, placing her left foot on one of the green circles closest to her.

It was still the first round so I wasn\'t expecting anything to happen yet of course, thus I just simply spun the needles again.

After Senior sister Kiyomi was Senior sister Manami who had to move her right foot to red.

Since we had quite a number of people playing the game, the play area was actually quite large. Which made it all the more surprising when senior sister Manami had chosen the red circle closest to her sister, making the two of them stand back to back.

Perhaps they were planning on working together to get a win?

Senior sister Lian Li was next and she had to put her right hand down on a yellow, which coincided with senior sister Eri\'s yellow which resulted in them facing each other while on the ground with both their rears sticking up.

It was then senior sister Diao Chan\'s turn and I spun the needle, grimacing when I saw the result.

"Left hand… Butt…"

She giggled and reached forward to place her hand on senior sister Eris\'s outstretched bottom conveniently located in front of her, going so far as to squeeze it as well.

Senior sister Eris shot her a dirty look but knew it was part of senior sister Diao Chan\'s ploy to get her out of the game so she did not make any other movements.

Cai Hong got her turn next and simply had to move her left foot forward on a red circle.

Master\'s two little sisters each had to put their hands on someone else\'s head, which created the scene of them awkwardly head patting each other.

Master was the last to go and ended up needing to put His hand on the ground as well.

Instead of following senior sisters Lian Li and Eris by stretching out His hand, Master simply squatted down and placed His hand down.

When He did so, the girls let out a groan of disappointment, their hopes of getting some eye candy dashed mercilessly.

You would never hear me admit it, but I was a little disappointed as well.

The next round proceeded normally, Senior sister Kiyomi needed to put one hand on a blue, so she had to lower herself while stretching out her hand. Senior sister Manami needed to put her hand on a yellow, so she reached in between her sister\'s legs to touch one there, placing her face directly in senior sister Kiyomi\'s tails.

When Senior Sister Lian Li\'s turn came again, a problem quickly came up.

"Umm… For Senior sister Lian Li… Left foot on… Butt…"

She frowned at me, "Where am I supposed to put that?"

I shrugged and gestured to senior sister Eris who was the only person in front of her.

Any normal person wouldn\'t be able to do it but senior sister Lian Li seemed to have thought of an idea.

She used her hand as a pivot and lifted the lower half of her body up, twisting herself so that her foot went above her before lowering it to rest on senior sister Eris\'s butt.

Of course, senior sister Eris was less than amused that her butt was now being used by two people in the game but kept quiet about it.

A few more rounds went by and everyone had begun gravitating towards the centre of the mat.

Looking at senior sister Lian Li\'s situation, the other players quickly realised that with the possibility of having to touch other people\'s body parts, they would lose if they ended up in a position where they could not reach for the given body part since they could not touch their own.

Therefore it was a better idea for them to be near other players than it was to be away.

Thus, everyone was now over or under someone at this point in time, truly fitting of the name.

Predictably, whenever one of them rolled a body part and Master was nearby, Master would always be the priority for them to reach out to.

Because of that, Master was in the middle of everyone in a reverse table pose with three hands on His breasts and little Cai Hong burying her face right in the middle of them.

I\'m extremely impressed Master could hold that pose for so long.

Oh, little Cai Hong had already lost a few rounds before this. She could not reach for one of the colours due to her shorter limbs and thus was the first to drop out of the game.

She didn\'t really look disheartened though, even cheering "Cai Hong played with Papa! Ehehe~ Cai Hong happy!"

But since it was her nap time, she just went to Master and clung on Him, falling asleep like a koala.

"Umm… Next for Master will be... Mouth on mouth…"

I looked up just in time to see senior sisters Diao Chan and Eris stretch themselves as close to Master as possible, obviously wanting to be the one to have their lips latched onto.

Master looked down at Cai Hong who was still asleep on top of Him, realizing there was no way for Him to reach either of them with the loli dragon on top of Him. Instead, Master turned to His side where senior sister Kiyomi was.

She caught on and stretched forward, locking her lips with Master\'s without hesitation.

Even from here, I could tell that it was a deep kiss, ignoring the fact that they were making really loud kissing sounds already.

Seeing that they were holding their position without problems, I spun the needles again.

"Mmm… For senior sister Kiyomi… Left foot on red."

It took her a moment to register my words before she moved her leg, making sure to keep her lips latched on to Master even as she relocated her foot.

Just as she was about to reach the colour, the door to the room was violently thrown open with a loud crash, causing everyone on the mat to fall down into a pile of tangled limbs centering around Master.

"I\'ve returned, husband!!" The Matriarch of this Plane declared with a triumphant smile, stopping only when she realised what was going on inside the room.

Master sighed, "I know how this sounds but… This is not what it looks like."

"Not fair husband! Love making so early in the day? Count me in too!" She cried, leaping into the pile of bodies.

And yep, that\'s my cue to leave the room.

I\'m sure Master will be fine by Himself for a bit.

I already got what I came for anyway.

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