
Chapter 879: End of the 1st Reincarnation Era

"In the depths of the ancient ancestor\'s body, the source energy of the bloodline has formed this ocean." Wang Yi was amazed.

"If it wasn\'t for my will to break through to the top level of being a saint over the years, I really wouldn\'t be able to break in."

The endless blood source energy was continuously converted into his own divine power by him.

After a long time, Wang Yi\'s real body has now reached an appalling level.

The divine body dominated by ordinary chaos is generally one million light-years in size.

But Wang Yi\'s body shape today is far more than a million light years.

If it weren\'t for the almost endless source of bloodline energy in the ancient ancestor\'s shell, he would not be able to supply him with such devouring.

Many saint-level powerhouses of the ancient clan have cultivated here for an incomparably long period of time, and the amount of blood source energy that they have swallowed is not as good as the amount that Wang Yi has swallowed during this time.

"My current divine body has reached ten million light years." Wang Yi secretly said in his heart.

It has been almost an era of reincarnation since Wang Yi entered the holy mountain.

Wang Yi explored almost all the places that the ancient ancestor\'s body could explore, and matched the obtained with the secret method of "Being the Universe", which was very triggering, and it was very helpful for the future practice of "Being the Universe".

With the improvement of his will, and reaching the top of the will, he finally broke into the sea of ​​blood in the depths of the ancient ancestor\'s shell, and converted more blood source energy into divine power.

After almost being swallowed up by the era of reincarnation, Wang Yi\'s divine body reached the level of ten million light-years!

It can be said that the harvest is huge!

"But..." Wang Yi looked into the depths of the sea of ​​blood ahead, where there was an invisible and terrifying will that rushed over, making people tremble. "The core of the ancient ancestor\'s body, but I can\'t get in."

The deepest part of the ancient ancestor\'s body contains the greatest secrets and benefits of the ancient ancestor\'s body, but it requires the will of the god-king level to enter.

The span is too large.

Will, called the holy limit, to the king of gods is a big leap.


In these billions of times, Wang Yi\'s will has been strengthened a lot, and he is already considered the top of the eternal true gods, but it is a fundamental leap from the top of the holy transformation to the king of gods! Moreover, there will also be an essential leap in will, and he is still far from the threshold.

If he really reached that level, he would be able to sweep away countless chaotic masters with the help of the Elemental Technique alone.

Wang Yi is still calm, after all, he has already gained a lot this time.

In the previous two reincarnation eras, the improvement in willpower could not keep up with this reincarnation era. It must be admitted that high-intensity oppression is indeed a way to sharpen the will, but if you are under extreme oppression for a long time, it will also cause collapse and damage the will, which is a double-edged sword. Will, unlike law perception. The law is comprehended to move forward step by step, and the will is extremely strong in the heart of the school!

"It\'s almost time, I should go back."

Wang Yi turned around and flew back without hesitation.

With the arrival of the date of Wang Yi\'s departure from the holy mountain, it also indicates that his hometown, the universe, has begun to enter the end of the third reincarnation era.

cosmic sea.

There are now six Holy Land Universes in the Universe Sea.

All of them are the holy land universe of the human race in the first reincarnation era!

The Six Great Ancestors, famous for the 3,000-latitude Cosmic Sea, and the human race are also arrogant, and their heads are raised high when they go out.

It is not without reason that the human race is so proud. Three thousand latitudes of the cosmic sea, three full reincarnation eras have passed, and currently only the cosmic sea where the human race is located has given birth to six holy land universes.

According to legend, the ancestors of the universe of the six holy places have surpassed the level of the strongest in the universe.

Countless ethnic groups are extremely envious.

Everyone knows that in the three reincarnation eras, when the time limit arrives, it will fall, and only go to reincarnation. If it can pass through... it can exist forever, and it can even establish a Holy Land universe.

But the secret of reincarnation is mastered by the human race.

The previous small universes have been destroyed, and only those related to the human race are left, and the traces are all intriguing.

What is even more shocking is that the human race has the largest four holy land universes, namely the Chaotic Source Ancestor Universe and the Galaxy Ancestor Universe with a diameter of 100 billion light-years, the Hongzu Universe with a diameter of 80 billion light-years, and the six hundred billion light-year diameter. The original ancestral universe with a diameter of more than 100 million light-years.

According to common sense, once the era of the original universe is over, and the original universe is separated from the original universe, the small universe cannot give birth to the strongest person in the universe.

but! In the hundreds of small universes of the human race, the strongest in the universe have continued to appear over the years.

Their ancestor universe, constantly splitting out a part of the origin of the universe, supplying breakthroughs to the powerhouses of the inner group, so that even the master of the universe can have his own small universe!

So after three reincarnation eras, there are nearly 100 more powerful people in the universe of the human race! There are also nearly a hundred more small universes!

Of course, the overall number is far from comparable to the 3,000-latitude cosmic sea. The 3,000-latitude cosmic sea has three reincarnation eras in one cosmic sea. In each reincarnation era, there are dozens of the strongest in the universe, that is, one hundred thousand universes. The strongest!

Now, because basically only the human race remains in the first reincarnation era of the 3,000-latitude cosmic sea, there are still the second reincarnation era and the third reincarnation era (primitive universe era).

The number of the strongest in the universe in any reincarnation era is more than 100,000! Not to mention the lord of the universe, the number is a hundred and thousand times that of the strongest in the universe!

So many powerhouses have also made the cosmic sea connected by channels extremely lively and wonderful!

And the cosmic sea where the human race is located is the center, connecting the cosmic sea of ​​three thousand latitudes!

Other cosmic seas must pass through the channel of this cosmic sea before they can go to other cosmic seas.

In addition, currently only the cosmic sea where humans are located has the Holy Land Universe, so this Cosmic Sea also has the name of the Holy Land Cosmic Sea... All this makes this Holy Land Cosmic Sea have a special status in the eyes of other cosmic seas.

And the human race is also the strongest force in the latitude universe sea!

Under the influence of the top inheritance of the origin continent and a large number of treasures scavenged from the world of Jin and the universe of three thousand latitudes, many masters of the universe in the human race have supreme treasures, not to mention the strongest in the universe, many of them are nine There are also many levels and tenth levels!

Therefore, the powerhouses in the outer universe know that although the human race is rich and has many treasures, it is not easy to provoke!

There was once the most powerful man in the universe, who was obsessed with the mind, and in a certain Jedi attacked the master of the universe of the human race. When the matter was passed back to the human race, the human race swarmed the most powerful people in the universe, chasing and killing more than ten cosmos seas. Finally, kill the strongest man in the universe!

And his small universe was shattered, and all the ethnic groups fell.

This kind of thing also makes those forces who want to attack the human race carefully consider whether they can bear the consequences of really offending the human race.

Of course, there will always be desperate people who will take the plunge, but the human race is not afraid.

The strongest person in the universe of the human race is almost not afraid of being besieged when he ventures out in the sea of ​​​​the universe, and the Lord of the universe, since he dares to venture out, also has the mentality of falling.

And for the strongest person in the universe of the human race, the most important thing right now is that the time limit of the first reincarnation era is approaching!

In addition to the human race that broke through from the ancestral holy land universe, there are hundreds of others who are the strongest in the universe, and they have not yet surpassed.

In general, except for Wang Yi, Luo Feng, Yuanzu, Hongcheng Eternal True God, Giant Axe, Haotian Cheng Void True God, others such as Chaos City Lord, Huangjian True God, Xingyue True God... have not yet broken through.

As the deadline for reincarnation is approaching day by day, many of the strongest people in the human universe have begun to retreat. The number of the strongest men in the universe is gradually decreasing.

The small universe of the Chaos City Lord.

The Chaos City Lord was drinking with his junior brother, True God Bingfeng and True God of Darkness. True God Xingyue is also there.

They have known each other for many years and have a deep bond. And Bingfeng is married to the teacher\'s daughter Xingyue.

"Senior brother." Bingfeng\'s face was solemn.

"From today onwards, Xingyuehui and I will begin to retreat and prepare to enter a higher level. If we can\'t break through and go to reincarnation, then... I will have to move to the teacher\'s universe." True God Bingfeng looked helpless.

"Haha..." Bingfeng\'s final turn made everyone else laugh.

Compared with the pain and despair of other races facing the limit of reincarnation, the human race should not be too happy!

Because they are not like other ethnic groups, they can only fight against the odds, there is no choice, if they fail, they will die! They have a way out!

There are six ancestors of the human race, and four of them are the eternal true **** universe. Any one can carry a large number of true gods!

Of course, they are not willing to go this far until there is no choice.

The bald man with white skin like jade, the Lord of Darkness joked: "Bingfeng, you guy, you used to be cold and indifferent, but now with Xingyue, you have changed a lot."

The Chaos City Lord smiled and looked at his brothers and said with emotion: "However, it is really hard enough to break through from the strongest in the universe. In the three eras of reincarnation, in addition to Hong, there are only my senior brothers Giant Axe and Chaotic Origin Ancestor. Disciple Haotian broke through, others..." Chaos City Lord shook his head. They still have the inheritance of ancient civilizations. Like other nascent cosmos sea groups, they can only **** on their own.

What the results are, after so many years, you can know just by looking at the sea of ​​​​cosmos and still only their human race has the Holy Land Universe.

After all, in the past, in their cosmic sea, in the era of tens of thousands of reincarnations, there were only two holy land universes that transcended reincarnation, Ziyue Holy Land and Eastern Emperor Holy Land! How difficult it is! It can be seen!

Now in their reincarnation era, except for the human race, other universes have turned into clouds of the past, and the Chaos City Lord, the strongest in the universe, are still struggling to break free from reincarnation, seeking a breakthrough possibility.

Of course... from the current situation, apart from the human race, there is no hope for other forces.

The True God of Darkness said: "Recently, there are many forces in the cosmos sea, who are in contact with our human race, and want to get a way to escape from reincarnation from us...Unfortunately, they are dreaming."

True God Xingyue said by the side: "I also know about this, they don\'t know where they got the news, and they asked us for guidance on the cultivation of ancient civilizations that transcend reincarnation. Many of them are aware of the influence of the \'Original Will of the Primordial Universe\', Therefore, they all require the cultivation experience that can reach the limit of the strongest in the universe. They are even willing to exchange the \'Xeon Supreme Treasure\'."

True God Bingfeng said with emotion: "Unfortunately, to escape from reincarnation, we can only rely on ourselves, even us, there is no way to directly break through!"


Affected by the will of the original universe, even the human race can only know the countless inheritance information up to the limit of the strongest person in the universe! Going up, you must go through reincarnation in order to not be affected by the will of the original universe.

That is to say, how the strongest person in the universe continues to cultivate and how to reach the limit of the strongest person in the universe is known.

But want to break through? Only on your own!

This is also one of the reasons why there are so many powerhouses in the sea of ​​​​cosmos, but there are so few transcendental reincarnations!

Chaos City Lord smiled and said: "They are also in a hurry, the time of reincarnation is approaching, those strong people in the second reincarnation era are about to enter the last reincarnation era, how can they sit still, after all, they are different from us, there is no way out ."

Darkness, Bingfeng and others also nodded.

Compared with them, the human race is much better!

At least, they have a way out!

Cultivation guidance, of course, the human race will not give, after all, they are not stupid.

It seems that one more Holy Land Universe and one less Holy Land Universe doesn\'t seem to matter much, and it has no impact on the human race.

But there are countless ethnic groups in the 3,000-latitude cosmic sea.

If the cultivation information is leaked and spread, everyone will know it, or it will be passed on, so that there will be more Holy Land universes in the whole world.

Once there are more Holy Land universes, the human race can\'t be as strong as it is now.

The human race will not do such things that harm themselves and others.

Besides, the human race itself has enough treasures, and some Xeon treasures want to impress them, which is purely a dream.

"Three thousand latitudes of the universe sea, an era of reincarnation, more than 100,000 strongest in the universe." True God Bingfeng shook his head and sighed. "This era is over, and after another era of reincarnation, it is estimated that there are not many left."

"Also." The Dark God said suddenly.

"The time of reincarnation is coming, and some of the strongest people in the universe will become crazy and irrational, unscrupulous." The Dark God said coldly. "In order to prevent them from jumping over the wall and attacking us humans, it is best to let some clansmen who are not strong enough outside to come back. Fighting with these guys who will die sooner or later is unnecessary."

Although the human race is known as the first force in the universe sea!

But the number of strong people is still weak compared to the three thousand latitude cosmic sea.

There are more than 100,000 strongest people in the universe in other reincarnation eras of the 3,000-latitude universe. Even if some of them attack the human race, the human race will also face strong pressure.

The human race has a lot of powerhouses who are the strongest in the universe, and mechanical treasures. If they really fight, they will not necessarily lose.

But there will definitely be losses.

Not necessary.

"The ethnic group already knows about this problem." Chaos City Lord said, "The ethnic group will hold a meeting in the near future to recall the powerhouses who have gone out and let them not go out easily until the storm is over. Of course, some should not be willing to come back. stay out, then they will bear the consequences themselves."

Bingfeng suddenly frowned.

"You said, we have been unable to break through, will it also have something to do with having a retreat?"

Everyone else looked at him.

Bingfeng frowned and said: "There is a way out, and I know that there is vitality, so I don\'t face the pressure of desperation. Pressure, sometimes it is actually motivation."

Chaos City Lord and others fell into thinking.


Compared with the high-spirited fighting spirit at the beginning, the current human race has gradually become more comfortable, and it does not have the kind of spirit of breaking the boat!

All of this is because of the existence of the Holy Land Universe!

After all, without pressure, there is no motivation.

The Chaos City Lord was silent for a while, "In these years, we have all cultivated to the limit of the strongest in the universe. The worst is the last step. If you step out, you will be able to escape from reincarnation, and you can also establish a Holy Land universe like the teacher and the others. Don\'t rely on others."

The old people like the Chaos City Lord have come from the early days of human beings, belong to the ancient powerhouses of human beings, and have their own arrogance.

They all want to break through by themselves, and are unwilling to rely on the universe of others.

"Fight, try to break through in the last time!"

As the end of the first reincarnation era is approaching, the true gods of the human race have returned, ready to retreat and make breakthroughs.

But those forces in the second era of reincarnation can’t retreat with peace of mind like humans. They are like ants in a hot pot, and they are in a hurry. Because this era is over, they only have one era of reincarnation. Find everything alive.

Some go to fight between life and death, wanting to find an opportunity for breakthrough under the pressure of death, some go deep into the Jedi of the universe, looking for hope, some also retreat and practice, and many also set their sights on the only holy place, human beings who are detached from samsara. on the ethnic group.

They took the initiative to come to the door, wanting to get a breakthrough from the human race.

But the human race ignores it!

There is no hope in the human race... The desperate forces of all parties have become even more crazy.

If there is one or two forces alone, the human race will not care at all.

However, as long as some of the ten thousand forces in the 3,000-latitude universe and sea in the other reincarnation era harbor malice against the human race, the human race cannot ignore it.

I can only let my strong man come back, hide in the universe, and not go out for the time being.

If history repeats itself, many people in the second reincarnation era want to get a way of detaching from the reincarnation from the human race, but most of the third reincarnation era is watching dramas.

First, they are not under as much pressure as the second reincarnation era, and secondly, they do not want to offend the human race now.

After all, the human race is still very powerful. If the strongest person in the universe comes out, it is the level of the original ancestor, plus mechanical treasures and inheritance secret techniques, enough to explode the battle power of the eleventh and twelfth orders, then it can sweep a large group !

In general, the strongest people in the universe are the seventh and eighth orders at most.

Since you don\'t dare to provoke it, you can only watch the show.

They also watched eagerly, wondering whether the human race would compromise because of the pressure.

It is a pity that the human race has gone through great winds and waves. I have seen the scenes of hundreds of thousands of the strongest forces in the universe pressing down. Now this situation can only be considered trivial.

The human race today is not what it used to be.

The human race is not for you to bully and not fight back. Which force dares to attack the human race and confront the human race head-on. Humans don’t have as many people as you, but the human race does not confront your brigade directly, and directly let some super true gods hunt and kill the enemy. Lonely strong.

If you beat you at rank 7 and rank 8, then ask if you are afraid?

After several more visits, knowing that there is no way to take humans, this alliance will naturally dissolve, and the situation will be stabilized.

In the hustle and bustle of all parties in the sea of ​​​​cosmos, time flies.

The seventh man of the human race who has transcended the cycle of reincarnation was born.


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