Chapter 399: The Towering Red

「It’s fortunate that Leader Nell and Deris-san are here as well! Still, this is a talk about the survival of a country. I’m currently sealing off this area, but the servants usually enter this place. Let’s change the place first. I will tell you the current situation in detail there.」

At Therese’s suggestion, we decided to move first. As we left the room, I confirmed that we are inside the castle of Adelheit. I couldn’t tell from the previous room alone, but this passageway looks familiar. It seems that Satella’s teleportation magic was able to send us to the destination without any mistake.

「I’m glad that we didn’t end up lost in the snowy mountains during this emergency situation.」

「I’m glad that we didn’t end up on an ocean adventure.」

「I’m relieved that we didn’t end up flying in the sky…」

Nell and Weerel were relieved.

「It seems that you had a lot of thrilling moments in a day. I haven’t experienced any of them yet desuwa.」

「Then, Therese-san, let’s do it with me next time!」

「Yes, by all means! Would you like to join us, Chinatsu-san, Touko-san?」

「「No, thanks….」」

「That’s too bad desuwa.」

It seems that the two are not as energetic as Haruna. Well, I’m sure they don’t have the energy to do the same thing again. After all, Chinatsu made a blunder, and Touko was paying attention to her and exhausted.

And after some chat, Therese stopped in front of a certain door. The plate next to the door says 『Council Room』, and two fully armed knights are standing guard in front of the room.

「Commander Daganov, Dry-san, good work desuwa.」

「Oh, Prez―― I mean, Therese. Good work! It’s nighttime, but the full plate is stuffy!」

「Hey, Dry, you’re too loud.」

「Haha, I’m sorry!」

「Good grief…. Well, it seems that Mage Prime Minister Weerel has returned safely. Hm? Leader Nell and Deris-dono are with you as well, huh. There are also Vice Leader Chinatsu and Haruna-dono.」

「Welcome back, everyone!」

It seems that the ones who are wearing full body armor are Elder Daganov and a new knight who’s in the same generation as Therese. Is that posing his unique way of greeting? Maybe he’s trying to boast his muscles, but nothing can be seen since he’s wearing full body armor, and it only makes him suspicious. Also, he’s noisy.

「Yes, I’m back. I heard that something happened when we were away….」

「Yes. Please come in. The King is waiting.」

Saying so, Elder Daganov knocked on the door a few times and announced our arrival. After a while, we were told to enter. This voice, I wonder if it belongs to King Dias.

「Excuse me…. I’m back…」

「「「W-Weerel-samaaa! Welcome baaack!」」」

As soon as Weerel entered the room, those who seem to be the civil servants and the royal palace magicians greeted her in tears. I wonder if it was because they were worried about Weerel who suddenly disappeared, or because the situation was too much for them to handle without her. Anyway, she seems to be adored and trusted. I was a little worried about whether she would be able to handle being Joseph’s successor, but she seems to be fulfilling her duties as the mage prime minister without any problems. Well, the subordinates who are clinging to her in tears may be more problematic in another sense.

「I’m back. It seems that there’s quite a commotion going on.」

「Eh, Leader Nell?」

「「「Geh, it’s Leader Nell!?」」」

In contrast, their reaction toward my wife was like this. The majority of those present in the room are Weerel’s subordinates, and the rest are King Dias and his trusted retainer, Noct. The one who was genuinely surprised by Nell’s return was Noct, and the ones who raised their voices in fear were the civil servants.

「Jeez, there’s no need to be so surprised, you know? Or maybe my presence was inconvenient?」

「No, no, no! Not at all!」

「That’s right! Rather, we are very happy that you’ve returned!」

「That’s right!」

「Hee, I will burn you if you’re lying, okay?」


I understand your feelings, but please don’t stay silent there.

「Leader Nell, please don’t bully them. After all, we’ve been in a meeting for a long time since things happened, and everyone is tired. …… A tired head can’t come up with a good idea. Alright, let’s take a break.」

The one who proposed so was Dias Adelheit, the young king of this country. What a wonderful King. Even though the pressure was a little, he was able to warn Nell face-to-face. The former king wouldn’t even try to look at Nell’s eyes, but he was so brave that I wonder if he’s really the former king’s child.

「B-But, Mage Prime Minister Weerel and the others have just arrived. We can’t take a break now――」

「――Stop. Actually, I’m tired too. That’s why I want to have a conversation with my old friend to distract myself while taking a break. Well, about 10 minutes is fine. Come on, don’t humiliate me more than this, okay?」

「U-Understood! Then, we will take a break in another room…」

Understanding the intent of Dias’s words, most of the people left the room. The subordinates couldn’t help but take a break since the King told them that much. Not only he didn’t forget to help his subordinates, he even wrapped things up nicely. What’s with this King? He’s handsome both physically and mentally, isn’t he? Has he always been like that?

「Well, I feel relieved as someone who lives in this country.」

「What are you talking about, Shishō?」

「Nah, just saying my opinion as a citizen.」

Setting the joke aside, the ones who remained in this room are our group, Dias, and Noct. We were told to sit down, so we sat on empty seats.

「Now that things have quieted down, let’s me greet you once again. Leader Nell, Mage Prime Minister Weerel, good job for coming back. I’m sure each of you has your own circumstances, but I won’t go into too much detail on that point.」

「Thank you…. So, about the current situation…」

「Yeah, we’ll explain it now. Noct, Therese.」


「Leave it to me desuwa!」

Therese and Noct stood up, spread out the map of the Jiba continent on the desk, and prepared things quickly. Then, they pointed at the national border of Crocus.

「Before dawn today, an unidentified dark red wind barrier appeared on the national border between our country and the southern neighboring country, Crocus. The same barrier also appeared on other Crocus’s borders that connect to Han and Tazarnia.」

「Since this barrier appeared, we have lost all contact with Crocus. Not only people, but sound also can’t go through the barrier, and we can’t even see into the other side. We have tried to communicate with them using magic items, but they didn’t work――」

「Okay, let’s destroy it!」

Nell, they are still in the middle of explaining it. Let’s wait a little longer before you speak up, okay?

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